Aspen was the first dog that Soulmate Rescue saved. We saw him sitting on the euthanasia list at a high kill shelter in Riverside, CA after just nine days. He is the most special dog with an equally special walk... his gait is what landed him on the euthanasia list. Despite his wonky and wobbly walk, we saved Aspen because the vet promised he was in no pain and that he was a happy dog, which was confirmed by the way he loves and plays every day.
Unfortunately, when it came time to take Aspen to the vet, we were faced with his diagnosis. A rare neurodegenerative disease called leukoencephalomyelopathy (LEMP). This disease is a progressive and genetic disease that has no cure or effective treatment and gives Aspen a prognosis of only one year to live.
Aspen's short term foster Alisa, who was the only reason we were able to get Aspen out of the shelter, asked to hospice foster Aspen and love him for the rest of his life. He is living with her in California where he can sunbathe, play with dogs, and snuggle with Alisa every night.

Please help Aspen's hospice foster, Alisa, continue to spoil and care for Aspen during his heartbreakingly short life.