Who We Are
Welcome to Soulmate Rescue! A rescue in Salt Lake City that takes euth-listed, at risk seniors, mama’s and litters, and strong breed pups in California, the most overcrowded state, and gives them beautiful forever homes with their human soulmates. We take dogs that were discarded and unloved and give them a family that will cherish them forever and a lifelong community of support.

Dom's Story
I found my passion for rescue during the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. I saw the world open up and people return their dogs that they had gotten as companions during COVID, as though they were a pair of shoes or a purse. Shelters were (and still are) being overwhelmed with more dogs than they can manage.
Seeing this, I began to immerse myself in dog rescue Instagram pages and found myself fostering an emaciated Rottweiler mama through Underdog Heroes, who had been through the worst of the worst and needed someone to take a chance on her. Fostering Honey through Underdog Heroes changed my life and finally allowed me to see the path I was meant to be on… a path of saving helpless dogs and being their voice when they can’t speak up for themselves. A year and a half and seven fosters (and one foster fail) later, I have decided to start Soulmate Rescue with the help of Myndee Tollefson. A rescue that looks at dogs in the way that they should be seen: as cherished and loved soulmates in this lifetime. What better way to represent this rescue than by using my first “foster fail” aka adopted dog, Otis.
I met Myndee in 2020 when I got my Rottweiler, Harley from her. She was an advocate for ethical and responsible breeding pre-pandemic and followed the Puppy Culture protocol to breed Rottweilers with sound temperaments that could be used as therapy, service or emotional support dogs. But since the world has changed post-pandemic and the supply of dogs is far greater than the demand for them, Myndee decided to stop breeding and instead, use her knowledge from being a breeder to help rescue dogs in need; specifically mama’s and their litters. During my time fostering a mama Rottweiler, Dolly, and her two puppies, Prince and Snooks, Myndee guided me and shared her knowledge of how to raise well-rounded Rottweilers. Going into our venture together, she is also donating every piece of her equipment from breeding to the dogs that we plan to save in order to raise litters of puppies in the most optimal conditions possible.