Success Stories
We have helped save and place a variety of pups through fostering. Here are the dog's we have placed in happy, forever homes!

Grandpa Otis, now
Otis is the face of our rescue and my first foster that I actually adopted! He is 10 years young and living with me, my three other pups and our fosters in Salt Lake City, UT.

Moose is in his loving forever home with his parents and two siblings. He has a Shepherd brother to wrestle with all day long and a baby Corgi sister to hang out with! He is living in Heber, UT and will be going on lots of fun outdoorsy adventures with his family.

Formerly Sage, Now
Luna stole her parents hearts when they saw how sweet, small and spunky she was. Their previous pup, who they loved so much, was named Sage and it felt like a heaven sent sign that our Sage was meant to be theirs, too! Sage is living in St. George, UT with her parents and 7 year old mastiff mix brother, Rasta.

Formerly Romeo, Now
Lincoln Maverick
As soon as Lincoln's family found out that Lincoln, our 5 month old Rottweiler puppy, didn't have any applications, they jumped on the chance to add him to their family! They were looking to add another Rottie to their pack of four pups and Lincoln was the perfect fit! He cuddles up with his Rottweiler brother and does zoomies with his Boxer sister. He is a California pup learning how to swim very soon!

Formerly Rocky, nOW
Gunnar found his home with our amazing, dedicated and loving volunteer, Donnita! She fell in love with Gunnar the moment she saw him but didn't know if her heart had healed enough from the loss of her previous Rottweiler, Gracie. So, she fostered and quickly realized she couldn't imagine life without this big boy! Gunnar will be living in Utah, going to work with D in Park City and enjoying life as an outdoorsy, active pup.

Formerly Oreo, Now
Reginald (Reggie)
After 8 long years of waiting, Reginald finally found a forever family that's perfect for him! They call him Mr. Potato and love everything about him. He is living in California with a human sister that is homeschooled. Reggie is helping her with her lessons at home and happily let's his new family dress him up as the animals that she is learning about in school! To say he lucked out with his family would be an understatement... They are the perfect match!

Peanut's adoption was entirely serendipitous! His family was on a road trip and googled rescues in Salt Lake City and our Instagram popped up. They saw Peanut and immediately fell in love! Within days, we had a meet and greet scheduled and Peanut headed on the road back to Maine with his new parents and his big doggy sister, Penny!

Chance was one of our rescue's longest residents because his family couldn't come get him for two months but, that wait was well worth it! Chance found his forever home in Colorado and will be living the spoiled life with his parents and big sister, Gemini. He is incredibly loved and is obsessed with belly rubs and cuddles from his forever family!

Kali was saved from Riverside shelter because of a foster that stepped up to care for her until she found her forever. Kali found her forever family and will be living in Nevada with three big brothers and a very loving mama and dad!

Formerly Blue, Now
Blue was saved from South LA shelter in California. He became a beacon of happiness and a ray of sunshine at the rescue. His rays were so bright that he gained the attention of a Chow loving family in the "sunshine state," Florida. Baloo will have a 9 year old Chow sister and a family that loves him to death!

Ollie came to us at 5 months old. He was euth-listed for no reason, other than overcrowding, at Riverside shelter in CA. Ollie is a spunky, energetic, loving boy, which made him perfect for his family in Florida! Ollie will be a little brother to an equally fun and energetic Rottweiler named Polo.